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Brain-Computer Interface Modulated  Overground Gait-Training Exoskeleton System

  In this study, a mobile overground gait-training system (OGTS) was designed, and a prototype was manufactured to determine the feasibility and control stability of the designed system. Approval was received from the Institutional Review Board of Fu Jen Catholic University for conducting experimental testing on healthy individuals with the designed mobile OGTS. The designed system comprises a mobile electric walking aid (EWA), a body weight support system (BWSS), and an exoskeleton gait orthosis (EGO). The system can perform multiple functions for physical overground gait training. The mobile EWA and EGO can be operated separately from the mobile OGTS. An interval type-2 fuzzy sliding controller (IT2FSC) was designed to compensate for disturbances and uncertainties because the mobile OGTS has a coupling issue and potential subjects have different weights and body shapes. The mobile OGTS has one IT2FSC to provide a pulse-width modulation output to regulate two linear actuators for the BWSS, and it adopts four IT2FSCs to produce voltage outputs to control the gait trajectory of the EGO. Three experiments demonstrated that the mobile OGTS provides a stable control force to assist the user in overground gait training as well as assist-as-needed body weight support for gait training.


  • 體積小、重量輕、容易操作且可於室內外使用

  • 價格便宜可穿戴

  • 具備動態減重、行動輔助與步態訓練的多合一智能設計

  • 具備多元訊息融合之避障與人機跟隨的安全導航功能

  • 可提供早期自主步行及行走前的穩定與安全性訓練


  • 智慧行動輔助

  • 移動式動態減重步態訓練

  • ​下肢外骨骼步態訓練



  1. 2022 旺宏金矽獎

  2. 2022 全國大專院校AI智動化設備創作獎-第二名

  3. 2021 國家新創精進獎

  4. 台北國際發明展暨技術交易展 金牌獎

  5. 高雄國際發明暨設計展 銀牌獎

  6. 美商國家儀器虛擬儀控設計 台灣區 優勝

  7. 第十二屆技職之光『技職傑出發明獎』

  8. 全球傳動智能自動化創意實作競賽 亞軍

  9. 台韓創新創業競賽 亞軍

  10. 台北醫學大學 醫學工程創意競賽 佳作

  11. 科技部成果成果發表暨考評 簡報優良獎

  12. National Symposium on System Science and Engineering 最佳論文獎

  13. International Conference on System Science and Engineering 學生最佳論文獎

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