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About Laboratory

The Advanced Fluid Power and Intelligent Mechatronic Lab delves into the confluence of automation technology, assistive technology, and artificial intelligence to elevate academic and industrial applications. Grounded in advanced control technology, mechatronics, and systems engineering, our lab emphasizes integrating control theory development with practical applications. Our primary areas of research encompass:
1. Exoskeleton Robotics 
2. VR-Enhanced Rehabilitation Techniques
3. Advanced Control Technologies
4. Robotics and Automation Systems Design
5. Fluid Power and Motion Control Systems Design

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1. Rehabilitation robots

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​​2. VR-based Rehabilitation System


3. Robotic

4. Automation systems


5. Fluid power system design and control

6. Vehicle suspension systems

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By weekly meetings, various innovative ideas are proposed. Our research results were well-recognized in the industrial circle. Many outstanding graduated members got into the industry, forming a good network for careers. We sincerely welcome graduate freshmen to work with us. Let’s throw in our ideas and innovate in the research environment.

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